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Перевести нa следующие предложения применяя present continuous или present simpl 1. я не пью кофе сейчас. я пишу . 2. я не пью кофе вечером. я пью кофе утром. 3.мы всегда едем на море. мы любим море. 4.он хочет знать , но не знает его. 5.ты понимаешь меня? -я вижу, что нет.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i am not drinking coffee now. i am writting an exercise. 2.i don't drink coffee in the evening. i drink coffee in the morning. 3. we always go to the see. we like the see. 4. he wants to know english, but he doesn't know it. 5.do you understand me? - i see that you don't

Will he play the guitar with his friend next week ? who will play the guitar with his friend next week ? when will he play the guitar with his friend ? what will he play with his friend next week ? what will he do with his friend next week ?

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