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1. i go to school every day. я хожу в школу каждый день. 2. usually i feed the horses. обычно я кормлю лошадей. 3. i see my friends every day. я вижу моих друзей каждый день. 4. at one (1) p.m. masha usually has lunch. в час дня маша обычно обедает. 5. i like my little dog. я люблю свою маленькую собаку. 6. i don't want eat this apple. я не хочу есть это яблоко. 7. i can swim, walk and play football in summer. я могу плавать, гулять и играть в футбол летом. 8. i and my friends go to school together. я и мои друзья ходим в школу вместе. 9. nick likes coffee and cakes. ник любит кофе и пирожные. 10. kate has got a lot of cats. у кати есть много кошек. (надеюсь, )

Athis house is very nice. has it got a garden? b it's a beautiful day. let's sit in the garden. с i like living in this house, but it's a pity that the garden is so small. 2 a can you recommend a good restaurant? b we had dinner in a very nice restaurant. c we had dinner in the best restaurant in town. 3 a she has a french name, but in fact she's english, not french. b what's the name of that man we met yesterday? с we stayed at a very nice hotel - i can't remember the name now. 4 a there isn't an airport near where i live. the nearest airport is 70 miles away. b our flight was delayed. we had to wait at the airport for three hours. с excuse me, please. can you tell me how to get to the airport? 5 a 'are you going away next week? ' 'no, the week after next.' b i'm going away for a week in september. с gary has a part-time job. he works three mornings a week.

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