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Be/get used to+gerund vs. used to+infinitive i used/am used to enter competitions.it was tough at first but i'm used/i used to it now. i spent about six months gettinf used to go/going everywhere in a wheelchair and then the doctor told me i was ready for an artificial leg. he fifted it a year ago and,at first,i found it really hard to use but i completely used/i'm completely used to walking on it now. i used tl have/having a really active life.apart from the surfing i am used/used to go mountain biking and hiking.of course,i'm not as quick as i used to being/be but i can still have fun.i haven't got used to go/going back into the sea yet.

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i used to enter competitions. it was tough at first but i'm used to it now.

i spent about six months getting used to going everywhere in a wheelchair and then the doctor told me i was ready for an artificial leg. he fitted it a year ago and, at first, i found it really hard to use but i'm completely used to walking on it now.

i used to have a really active life. apart from the surfing i used to go mountain biking and hiking. of course, i'm not as quick as i used to be but i can still have fun. i haven't got used to going back into the sea yet.

Настоящее время. 1. i can't help you right now, i am busy (я не могу вам сейчас ,я занят) 2.we often go shopping with my mom (мы часто ходим за покупками с моей мамой) 3.i need to take a holiday because i am very tired (мне нужно взять отпуск,потому что я устал) прошедшее. 1. i was born on december 7 (я родилась 7 декабря) 2.sh e bought a pair of socks and a t-shirt yesterday (она купила пару носков и футболку вчера)3.did you call her last night? i think she is mad at you (ты позвонил ей вчера? я думаю она зла на тебя)будущее.1.i will cal her tomorrow. hope she's alright (я позвоню ей завтра,надеюсь у неё всё  в порядке)2.my mom  will turn  30  next september. (моей маме стукнет 30 в сентябре)3. i promise  that  i'll  help   you with your home task. (я обещаю, что тебе с твоим )

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