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Перекладіть ійською мовою,вживаючи дієслова в present simple. ! 1.я вивчаю ійську мову. 2.його молодший брат учень. 3.вона не працює. 4.він завжди дуже зайнятий. 5.він розмовляє німецькою мовою? 6.моя мама любить класичну музику. 7.вони не хочуть йти в кіно. 8.де ваші батькі? 9.вона не грає в шахи. 10.він ніколи не прокидається рано. 11.вона не грає в шахи. 12.вони ходять в театр раз на місяць. 13.я мамі по господарству дуже часто. 14.чи п'єте ви каву вранці? 15.він рідко ходить в кіно. 16.вона не читає газет. 17.ці дівчата не працюють,вони вчаться.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.i learn english.

2.his younger brother is a schoolboy.

3.she doesn't work.

4.he is very busy.

5.does he speak german?

6.my mother likes classic music.

7.they don't want go to the cinema.

8.where are your parents?

9.she doesn't play chess.

10.he never gets up early.

11.she doesn't play chess.

12.they go to the theater once a month.

13.i help my mother with houseworking very often.

14.do you drink coffee in the morning?

15.he rarely goes to the movies.

16.she doesn't read any newspapers.

17.these girls don't work, they study.

поставь "лучшее решение", будь добра. my ideal country is called green isle. it is situated on a huge island in the ocean. its climate is perfect. it doesn’t usually get very cold in the winter or very hot in the summer. there are many big and small rivers, high mountains and flat plains on this island. we can see an amazing world of nature and animals. all the animals have big and kind eyes. these animals got accustomed to people and cannot live without them. in turn, people take care of animals and love them so much. people have built a plenty of reserves. the people live in houses on a coast. from the coast into the heart of the reserve, leads the big number of traces. and people look after animals; in turn, animals help the people to survive in life. the people of this island are very patient and hardy. they don’t quarrel with each other at all. these people are very clever, good and selfless. also, the people do farming, raise vegetables and fruits. the weather is appropriate for that. it rains precisely at 3 a.m. once in every 3 days on the island. the sun shines brightly all the year. the snow is in the mountains only. people often organize the skiing competitions. in addition, people like swimming in the ocean and tanning on the beach. here it is; that’s our dream country. possibly, this will become real someday.


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