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Ex.1 name: 1. some domestic animals and birds; 2. animals and birds that can be wild and domestic; 3. animals that live only in hot countries; 4. animals that eat only grass, leaves from the trees, vegetables and fruit; 5. some animals that are quicker than the tortoise; 6. some animals that are bigger than the cat; 7. some animals that can have different colours or change them 8. the most beautiful animal.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. chicken, ducks, cow, sheep 2. goals, pigeons, horses, cats 3. lions, camels, kangaroos, elephants 4. giraffes, squirrels, rabbits, deers 5. bear, fox, pig, wolf 6. tiger, crocodile, zebra, koala 7. chameleon, cats, dogs 8. pandas, butterflies, panteras, hedgehogs

Nina: i_am taking_(take) this exam tomorrow and i`m awfully nervous. andrew : don`t be nervous, you'll be_(be) fine. you'll please_(please) the examiners with your english, i`m sure. nina: you are kidding, aren`t you? will they _(ask) me many questions? andrew: no, i don`t think so: just two or three. nina: oh! and shall/will i_(have to read) a text and then translate it? a.: yes, that`s one of the things everybody does. n: and shall/will i ) anything? a: i think they will tell_(tell) you to write some questios on the text. n: i see.i hope i' ll have ) enough time to write the questions. a: don`t worry, they'll ) you at least half an hour to get ready. n: i am going to look_(look)through my grammar books this afternoon and ) reading aloud. a: i hope you won't stay_(not,stay)up late. you should rest well before the exam. n: i'll try_(try) to. thanks for you time, andy. see you. a: see you and the best of luck!

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