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Д/з по языку №1 переведи и запиши пропущенные слова. 1. miss chatter is_(выше) thаn маry. 2. tim is _(yмнee) than tom. 3. in the соuntrу rivеrs аrе_(чище) than in the city. 4. moscow isn't the _(самый большой) city. 5. не is the _ (лучший) teacher in my school. 6. it is the _(самый холодный) day today. 7. john is а_(хуже) singer than me. 8. this is the _(самая смешная) story i know,

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 taller   2 cleverer 3 cleaner   4 the biggest   5 the best   6 the coldest   7 worse 8 the funniest

1. taller 2. cleverer 3. cleaner 4. the biggest 5. the best 6. the coldest 7. worse 8. the funniest

Ihave been painting since my childhood, but i have especially been into it only recently. i paint portraits, in general. my style is graphics. i spent very much time on each painting, it takes me about 7 hours to paint, even more sometimes. i am having a great pleasure while painting. не за что! : )

Популярно: Английский язык