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Описать внешность, черты лица михаила боярского на языке.

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Ответы на вопрос:

mikhail boyarsky has grey eyes, a large straight nose and an oval chin. the shape of his face is oval. when he was young, he was dark-skinned, his hair was dark but now it is grey and he has a seamed face. the actor has had a moustache for a very long time.

mikhail boyarsky sometimes wears glasses and a black hat. he also prefers to wear black clothes. his height is 175 cm.

he writes a letter-present simple

he wrote a letter yesterday-past simple

he will write a letter tomorrow-future simple

he is writing a letter at the moment-present continuous

he was writing a letter when i came to him-past continuous

he will be writing a letter at 5 o'clock tomorrow.-future continuous

he has already written a letter-present perfect

he had written a letter before he went to his work-past perfect

he will have written a letter by 6 o'clock tomorrow-.future perfect

he has already been writing a letter for half an hour-present perfect continuous

Популярно: Английский язык