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Correct the incorrect verb forms in the sentences.two are correct. 1 i lend you my copy of european modern history if you can't find one in the library. 2 everyone says barcelona is fantastic so l think you're having a wonderful time there next year . 3 ican't meet you on saturday, i'm afraid. my parents will take me to the theatre then. 4 we will do most of our exams by the end of next week. 5 i'm quite tired this evening so i'll probably just watch some tv and then go to bed early. 6 joe will work in a hospital over the summer to gain some work experience. 7 i don't know what to have for lunch. oh - those sandwiches look nice. i'll be having one of those. 8 we will be filming another school in the autumn for our tv series educating . 9 the summer term's going to start on 12th april. 10 i haven't done any revision so i'm not doing very well in the exam tomorrow.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i'll lend you my copy of european modern history if you can't find one in the library. (однократное действие в будущем)

2. everyone says barcelona is fantastic so l think you'll have a wonderful time there next year . (предсказание после i think)

3. i can't meet you on saturday, i'm afraid. my parents are taking me to the theatre then. (заранее запланированное действие, возможно, куплены билеты)

4. we will have done most of our exams by the end of next week. (future perfect - действие завершится к опред. моменту в будущем)

5. i'm quite tired this evening so i'll probably just watch some tv and then go to bed early. (right) (решение принимается в момент речи)

6. joe will work in a hospital over the summer to gain some work experience. (описание факта в будущем)

7. i don't know what to have for lunch. oh - those sandwiches look nice. i'll have one of those. (спонтанное решение)

8. we will be filming another school in the autumn for our tv series educating . (right) (действие будет протекать в течение опред. времени в будущем)

9. the summer term starts on 12th april. (расписание! )

10. i haven't done any revision so i'm not going to do very well in the exam tomorrow. (предсказание о том, что что-то обязательно должно произойти)

Afew days ago there was my amazing weekend. on saturday i had a birthday, and my parents arranged a party for me. it was great! my mom cooked many delicious things: cake, biscuits, fruits and drinks. we listened to music and danced, ate, drank  and had fun. my parents gave me a motorbike! my dream became a true. i was so !   then mom allowed me to go for a walk and my friends and i went to the park to ride my new motorbike. we  ate ice cream and have fun.  on sunday  i  went  to (напиши город какой-нить недалеко от тебя)  with my parents. we walked around the city and saw sightseeings. then we were in  the museum of history and local lore, because i love history best of all.  despite the fact that i had to do  my homework for monday in the evening it was my amazing weekend.

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