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Нужно дать полный комментарий по причастию и причастному обороту speaking somewhat inexactly, it may be said that language is the product of the thought of a nation.

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speaking somewhat inexactly, it may be said that language is the product of the thought of a nation.

speaking somewhat inexactly - независимый причастный оборот, стоящий в начале предложения, выступает в роли обстоятельства образа действия, выделяется запятой.

speaking - простое причастие настоящего времени действительного залога (the present participle simple active).

Like every person,i have my interests,characteristics and i spend my free time in the best way.after doing my homework i like reading books and watching interesting programs on tv.sometimes i go out with my friends having a great evening in the fresh air.at the weekend,when i am completely free i visit my grandparents.at two o'clock i go swimming to keep in form.then i play football with my friends.usually in the evenings i take my dog out with my sister.in my free time sometimes i go to the cinema and  theatre.i also like drawing when i am free. and as a summary,i want to say that it is not very important how you spend your free time,it is important that you get maximum pleasure and enjoy the life!

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