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На завтра ! complete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the correct form 1. if he had taken a map with him, ) lost 2. what would you do if ) locked out of your house& 3. if the rival ) this point, they will win. 4. if you take up jogging, (become) fitter. 5. if (play) better, we could have won the championship. 6. he woid not have accidents so often if ) more varefully. 7. unless ) the right equipment, you can^t go rock climbing. 8. ) me a magazine if you go to the newsagent^s. 9. if a ) injured during a match, he goes off the pitch. 10. if you run fast, )the race.

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1wouldn't have got 2 were 3 scores 4 will become 5 had played 6 had driven 7 bring 8 buy 9 is 10 will win

1. if he had taken a map with him, he wouldn't have got lost. 2. what would you do if you were locked out of your house. 3. if the rival team scores this point, they will win. 4. if you take up jogging, you will become fitter. 5. if we had played better, we could have won the championship. 6. he would not have accidents so often if he had driven more varefully. 7. unless you bring the right equipment, you can't go rock climbing. 8. buy me a magazine if you go to the newsagent's. 9. if a player is injured during a match, he goes off the pitch. 10. if you run fast, you will win the race.

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