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Pat the words in right order and make sentencen 1 tent / going / mike`s / in / sleep / to / a 2 any / buy / aren`t / to / we / going/ clothes 3 library / to / us / outside / going / meet / the / they`re 4 in / stay / not / a / i`m / to / hotel / going 5 invite / her / to / you / going / jane`s / party / to

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Ответы на вопрос:

mike is going to sleep in a tent

we arent going to buy any clothes

they are going to meet us outside the library

im not going to stay in a hotel

janes going to invite you to her party

1mike's going to sleep in a tent 2 we aren't  going to buy any clothes 3 they're going to meet us outside the library 4 i'm   not going to stay in a hotel 5 jane`s going to invite you to her party

Iwould like to cook the salad of the vegetables. the first i put in front of myself a plate and plank, and knife too. then i cut a different vegetables as tomatos, cucumbers, onion. also we willn't forgotten to add a salt. at present i everything mix and salad is ready. мне бы хотелось приготовить салат из овощей. сначала я кладу перед собой тарелку и доску, а также нож. затем я нарезаю разные овощи, такие как помидоры, огурцы, лук. также мы не забудем добавить соль. теперь я все перемешиваю, и салат готов.

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