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In ukraine the oldest surviving paintings are frescoes found on the northern black sea coast. famous frescoes of st. sophia cathedral in kiev and of the armenian cathedral in lvov are one of the oldest and attract many tourists from ukraine and abroad. after the academy of arts in st. petersburg was established, many talented painters moved to russia. this emigration deprived ukrainian painting of its most creative talents. but there were several exceptions that devoted most of their painting to ukrainian interests. among such painters was t. shevchenko, who is considered the father of modern ukrainian painting. one more famous representative of the ukrainian art was ilia repin. he was an outstanding painter, full member of the st. petersburg academy of arts. many of his works show ukraine, its people and its history. among them there are the most famous painting "the zhaporozhian cossacks write a letter to the turkish sultan", "evening party", "haidamakys", "cossack in the steppe", and "hopak". he also painted many portraits of russian and ukrainian cultural figures. among them were m. kostomarov, i. kramskoi, t. shevchenko and others.

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в украине самыми старыми сохранившимися картинами являются фрески, найденные на северном побережье черного моря. знаменитые фрески софийского собора в киеве и армянского собора во львове являются одними из старейших и привлекают множество туристов из украины и зарубежья. после создания академии художеств в санкт-петербурге многие талантливые художники переехали в россию. эта эмиграция лишила украинское изобразительное искусство самых творческих талантов. но несколько художников были так называемыми исключениями, которые посвящали большую часть своих работ украинской тематике. среди таких художников был т.шевченко, которого считают отцом современной украинской живописи. еще одним известным представителем украинского искусства был илья репин. он был живописцем,полноправным членом санкт-петербургской академии художеств. многие его работы показывают украину, ее народ и ее . самые известные картины среди них —«запорожцы пишут письмо турецкому султану", "вечорницы", "", "казак в степи" и "гопак". он также написал много портретов и украинских деятелей культуры. среди них были м. костомаров, и. крамской, т. шевченко и другие.

Summer holidays are the longest and the funniest vacations in the year. we’re always looking forward to the summer vacations. and when they come, we put our school backpacks aside and completely forget about boring school life. it’s time to have fun and take a rest! this summer the weather was great! it was neither too hot nor cold. at the beginning of june (early in june), i decided immediately to enroll in the swimming pool, because i am fond of swimming. dad insisted that in addition i should sign up for karate hobby group. he believes that every man should be able to stand up for himself. i also think so, therefore i gladly accepted the offer. my sister enjoys dancing, and we enrolled her in the dance-club.the whole june and half of july i was engaged in the hobby circle, walked and ran about the street with friends. from time to time i did the homework that teachers assigned for summer vacations. at the end of july we went to the sea with my parents. we sunbathed, made tours and talked with strangers there. in august, they bought me a summer camp voucher for 10 days. camp is the most amusing place where i happened to stay. every day we were doing something interesting and fascinating. we walked down the hills, went hiking, did rock climbing. from time to time we learned to draw, play the guitar and the synthesizer. but what i liked the most - gatherings around the campfire. we sang songs, told horror stories to one another and heated ourselves at the fire there.

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