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Перевести: я проснулся в 6: 30 умылся и почистил зубы потом позавтракал. уже собирался играть на компьютере, но меня позвали гулять, я собрался и вышел в 7: 30. гулял я долго, из-за этого я вернулся поздно в 20: 00. я сильно устал. я сходил в душ лёг спать.

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Ответы на вопрос:

i woke up at 6: 30 washed and brushed my teeth and after have a breakfast. i was already going to play on the computer, but they called me to walk, i gathered and left at 7: 30. i walked for a long time, because of this i returned late at 20: 00. i'm very tired. i went to the shower and went to bed.

i woke up at 6: 30 washed and brushed my teeth and then had breakfast. i was already going to play on the computer, but they called me to walk, i gathered and left at 7: 30. i walked for a long time, because of this i returned late at 20: 00. i'm very tired. i went to the shower and went to bed.

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