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1)выбирите правильное предложение : a) i have at two dinner b) i dinner have at two c) i dinner at two have 2)выберите нужный предлог: put your your briefcase. a) off b) into c) from d) out of 3) определите временную форму глагола в предложении : i am reading a book now a) the present continuous b) the present indefinite c) the present perfect d) the past continuous 4) вставье нужное притяжательное местоимение : this is(моя) bag a) your b) my в) our d) her 5) переведите предложение на язык : пришлите ему письмо , . a) please send me a letter. b) please send him a letter. c) please send her a letter d) please send us a letter 6) в каком предложении глагол не употреблён в страдательном залоге ( the passive voice)? a) this play was written by b.shaw b) they were much talked about. c) we were waiting for you at five yesterday. d) i have been asked two difficult questions today. 7) найдите форму причастия i ( participle i) a) to work b) work c) worked d) working 8) найдите предложение в present continuous : a) i am reading a book now b) i read every day c) i did not read d) i shall read 9) в каком слове допущена ошибка ? a) thoughtless b) development c) untru d) meaningless 10) нацдите предложение в котором допущенна ошибка : a) this is the bear street in our town. b) give me a better suit-case. c) my goodest friend lives in leningrad. d) this is good bag.

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Это легко) my name is ann.!

Популярно: Английский язык