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Употребите participle i или participle ii в функции определения в следующих предложениях и переведите предложения на язык. 1. the (sorted/sorting) mail was delivered to the offices before noon. 2. the (trembling/ trembled) children were given a blanket and a cup of hot tea for warmth. 3. as we entered the (crowded/crowding) hall, we noticed our 4. the (boring/bored) students went to sleep during the (boring/bored) lecture. 5. (freezing/frozen) food is easier to prepare than fresh food but is very unhealthy.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the sorted mail was delivered to the offices before noon. - отсортированная почта была доставлена в офисы до полудня.2. the trembling children were given a blanket and a cup of hot tea for warmth. - дрожащим детям дали одеяло и кружку горячего чая, чтобы они могли согреться.3. as we entered the crowded hall, we noticed - когда мы вошли в переполненный зал, мы заметили 4. the bored students went to sleep during the boring lecture. - скучающие студенты уснули во время скучной лекции.5. frozen food is easier to prepare than fresh food but is very unhealthy. - замороженную еду приготовить проще, чем свежую, но она крайне вредна для здоровья.

Yes, i enjoyed my holidays. we enjoy them because of sunny days and funny things that we can do in holidays. где ты провела свои каникулы? - i spent it in my hometown with family. yes, because we have a lot of places which we can visit, we have a lot of things to do and they probably will be different.

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