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Умоляю нужно написать сочинение на 100 слов adventure/humorous/mystery store. think about: characters/piace time/events in order/climax event/feeling. надо.заранее

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Herons - relative cranes. however, unlike cranes flying with outstretched neck, they bend the neck and tighten the head to the shoulders. there are about 60 species of herons. there they are on all continents except antarctica.the most common kind in europe - a gray heron. now its population severely diminished. first herons were shot because of their addiction to fish today, they suffer from the reduction of wetlands and wet areas. to still surviving herons could safely grow offspring, forbidden to go into their nests.cattle egret (bubulcus ibis) is different from the gray in that the upper part of the head, back and goiter in her wine-ocher color. this bird prefers to live in the vast swampy meadows. in the thick vegetation it builds a large nest of reed panicles. masonry consists of 4-5 eggs.more than a century ago, the great white egret (egretta alba) was almost destroyed because of the fashion egret - long feathers that adorned ladies' hats. for example, in 1898 only one in venezuela, according to consular records, was removed from the egretok 1.5 million. egrets.installed in the 20-ies of xx century security egret with complete prohibition of hunting for it led to the restoration of the strength of this bird so that, for example, in our country it has become quite normal, and sometimes even a large bird. black-crowned night heron (nycticorax nycticorax) spends the daylight hours in the reeds or trees and only at dusk goes in search of food. especially a lot of these birds in the volga delta.

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