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Впассив и перевести, и инфинитив 1. put the verbs in the passive and translate. 1. scientific conferences on the problems of animal physiology regularly (hold)………………by physiologists. 2. experimental physiology (develop)…………….by anatomist w.harvey in the 17'1' century.  3. animal scientists hope that the results of their research (use)…………….by farmers in practice. 4. the problems of domestication of ostriches (discuss)……………….in some scientific journals now. 2. complete the sentences using the infinitive of purpose and translate. 1. farmers spread manure in the fields…………. (to increase) ………………… 2.animals which work hard in a cold environment require high fat levels in their

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1. scientific conferences on the problems of animal physiology regularly are held by physiologists. -   регулярно проводятся  научные конференции по проблемам животных. 2. experimental physiology was developed by anatomist w.harvey in the 17th century. - экспериментальная была разработана анатомистом у. харви в 17 веке. 3. animal scientists hope that the results of their research will be used by farmers in practice.  - исследователи животных надеются, что результаты их исследований будут использоваться фермерами на практике. 4. the problems of domestication of ostriches is being discussed in some scientific journals now. - проблемы страусов сейчас в некоторых научных журналах.2. 1. farmers spread manure in the fields to increase yields. - фермеры разбрасывают навоз на полях, чтобы увеличить урожайность. 2.animals which work hard in a cold environment require high fat levels in their diets to maintain body temperature. - животным, которые много работают в холодных условиях, требуется высокий уровень жира в  рационе для поддержания температуры тела.

Відповідь:Paul: she as an artist .She likes drawing and painting.

Gemma:where does she work?

gemma:Do you also an artist,too?

Paul:i want to be a teacher


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