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Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets. 1 personally i don’t like piercings and tattoos and i think they are very (attractive) 2 teenagers should wait until they reach before they think about plastic surgery. (adult) 3 problems during adolescence can cause feelings of in young people. (security) 4 not even supermodels have a complexion. (flaw) 5 my dog looks scary, but really he is and would never hurt anyone. (harm) 6 you should be more when you speak to him and don’t let him walk all over you. (assert) 6 a group of people were when it came to voting on the location for the concert. (number) 7 he’s not known for being but i don’t think he’s lying this time. (truth) 8 i believe that chatterboxes have a fear of being alone. (conscious) 9 the painkillers helped to ease her . (comfort) 10 psychologists believe that it is important for parents to show to their children. (affect) 11 she does not have a body image. she thinks she looks like the models in fashion magazines. (real) 12 this face cream is amazing. it makes spots and wrinkles completely! (appear) 13 although he was on a diet, the of chocolate was too great and he had a piece of cake. (tempt)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. unattractive2. adulthood    3. insecurity  4. flawless    5. harmless  6. assertive    6. numerous7. truthful  8. unconscious 9. discomfort 10. affection 11. reality  12. disappear    13. temptation

1personally i don’t like piercings and tattoos and i think they are very (unattractive) 2 teenagers should wait until they reach before they think about plastic surgery. (adulthood) 3 problems during adolescence can cause feelings of in young people. (insecurity) 4 not even supermodels have a complexion. (flawless) 5 my dog looks scary, but really he is and would never hurt anyone. (harmless) 6 you should be more when you speak to him and don’t let him walk all over you. (assertive) 6 a group of people were when it came to voting on the location for the concert. (numerous) 7 he’s not known for being but i don’t think he’s lying this time. (truthful) 8 i believe that chatterboxes have a fear of being alone. (unconscious) 9 the painkillers helped to ease her  (discomfort) 10 psychologists believe that it is important for parents to show to their children. (affection) 11 she does not have a body image. she thinks she looks like the models in fashion magazines. (reality) 12 this face cream is amazing. it makes spots and wrinkles completely! (disappear) 13 although he was on a diet, the of chocolate was too great and he had a piece of cake. (temptation)

1. this 2. these 3. these 4. these 5. this b) 1. those 2. those 3. those 4. that 5. those 6. that

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