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7.17 ответьте на следующие специальные вопросы: i. where did you go yesterday? 2. what did you do yesterday? 3. at what time did you come home yesterday? 4. where did you meet your friends last time? 5. where did you have lunch yesterday? 6. what did you read at classes last week? 7. what did you find in the street last time? 8. when did you speak to your friend on the phone last time? 9. where did you spend last sunday? 10. which film did you see at the cinema last time? ii. where did you buy your mobile telephone? 12. where did you put your mobile telephone? 13. why did you take your father's car? 14. how many exercises did you do at home last time? 15. how many mistakes did you make in your last homework?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  yesterday i went to the river 2.  i was engaged in fishing 3. we came at 8 pm 4.  we met in the park 5.  yesterday we had lunch in a cafe 6.  we read the textbooks 7.  we found old things 8.  we spoke to him this morning 9. i was in my village 10.i watched a funny comedy 11. i bought it at the market 12.yes 13. because my car was broken  14. i made 6 ex

My mother and father, vyacheslav and svetlana.

Популярно: Английский язык