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Переведите на (качественно, не через переводчик). хиппи – это субкультура или молодежное движение, которое возникло в сша в 1960-х годах. их было нести в массы любовь, мир, единство. движение хиппи распространялось по всему миру через течение рок-музыки и психоделики, через драматическую и искусство. многие известные музыканты и актеры присоединялись к этому движению, в том числе джон леннон, боб дилан, джейн фонда, джими хендрикс и другие. внешний вид хиппи - длинные распущенные волосы, джинсы, большой вязаный свитер. хиппи выступали против войны и коррупции. лозунг хиппи это «мир во всем мире».

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Hippies are a subculture or youth movement which originated in the united states in the 1960s. their task was to bring love, peace and unity to the masses. the hippie movement spread all over  the world through the flow of rock music and psychedelics, through dramatic literature and art. many famous musicians and actors joined the movement, among them were john lennon, bob dylan, jane fonda, jimi hendrix and others. the appearance of the hippies was as following:   long flowing hair, jeans, a big wool sweater. hippies were against war and corruption. their motto was "make peace all over the world."

Alice: Why are you tired? We only ran for two minutes

Tom: I know. I 'm not fit enough to run.

Alice: Why don't you do more exercise?

Tom: I'm too lazy and I don't like running.

Alice: Do something relaxing like yoga.

Tom: Yoga? No, it's too boring.

Alice: Yes, I understand that. It is not exciting enough for me either. Well, change your diet. How much do you weigh?

Tom: About 120 kilos.

Alice: That's too heavy. Perhaps the food you eat is not healthy enough.

Tom: But l'm 60. I'm too old to change my diet now.

Alice: You're never too old to be careful with your health.

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