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Напишите о своих школьных годах. хотя бы 5 предложений.

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Ilike my school years! i'm happy to have a united, active and friendly class. i was rather popular among my classmates, and i made many friends at school. at senior classes i was elected the head of our class. i took part in class and out-of-class activities. i'm rather communicative and open, people see it don't have problems like being shy, snobbish or rejected. i have always known, what i wanted and my goals were clear for me, so i did my best to pass the exams and now i'm going to enter university. 

Мои школьные годы как давно это было . но время не заставит меня забыть те прекрасные моменты , которые греют душу мне этой летней порой. помню , мы девчонками хотели сбежать с урока обществознания , но все отказались от этой идеи , когда учительница сказала,что отпустит нас пораньше . а какой был праздник последнего "первого" сентября ! тогда одиннадцатиклассники , такие высокие , совсем не похожие на школьников подростки, танцевали с первоклашками . столько всего было и не упомнить! my school years how long ago it was. but time will not make me forget those beautiful moments that warm my soul to me this summer sometimes. i remember we wanted to run away from the social studies class, but everyone refused this idea when the teacher said that she would let us go early. and what was the holiday of the last "first" september! then the eleventh-graders, such tall, completely unlike teenagers, danced with first-graders.

1) met 2) has started 3) were you doing 4) went 5) was walked, attacked 6) swam 7) was playing 8) has finished 9) sat 10) had worked 11) am washing up, was watching 12) looked for, looked fot 13) has been 14) did you see 15) was he driving 16) was cooking, was laying 17) did yoi vote 18) catched 19) did

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