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Раскройте скобки и измените слово таким образом, чтобы оно лексически и/или грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. i believe it’s very important to see the world and different cultures. it lets us 1) ……………. (open) our minds to new things and we get to experience life in 2) ……………. (excitement) different ways. travelling gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life. another great benefit is the 3) ……………. (relax) you get to do. it’s nice to live life to its 4) ……………. (full) and enjoy a stress free time with yourself. going on vacation lets us recharge our “batteries” by 5) ……………. (disconnect) us from our regular life. when we come back we feel 6) ……………. (invigorate) and we are happy to be back in our day to day routine. it’s a very good stress 7) ……………. (remove) that has a lot more to give than most people are willing to accept. travelling increases our 8) ……………. (know) and widens our perspective. to view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. it gives us a new perspective about life and especially our life.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) open 2) excitingly 3) relaxation 4) fullest 5) disconnecting 6) invigorated 7) remover 8) knowledge

1.people all over the world are fond of sports and games because sport makes them feel healthy, keeps them fit, more organised and better disciplined.  2. summer sports are sports that can be played during the summer time when it is warm outside. they are: swimming, sailing, windsurfing, horseracing, football, basketball, golf, tennis, etc.  winter sports are sports that can be played during the winter time when it is cold outside. sometimes, winter sports can be played inside. winter sports are: ice-hockey, skating, skiing, sledging and much more.3.   all my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as water sports (that is swimming, sailing, rowing), gymnastics, horseracing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing, football, basketball, volleyball, etc.4. you have to pay for sports facilities, such as stadiums, swimming pools and tennis courts.5. well, as for our physical training lessons i could say that when the weather is good we do all our sports outside but when the weather is cold we go   inside to the school gym and do sports there.  6.  practically all kinds of sport are popular in our country, but football gymnastics and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity.7.  there are different sport societies, clubs and sport schools in our country.8.  the most popular kinds of sports in the united states are baseball, basketball and american football. in england the most popular kinds of sports are golf, football and rugby.9. in  america as i know it's lacrosse and for the english it's cricket.10. no, american football and baseball aren't popular in russia because in russia people prefer more outdoor winter sport such as hockey and in summer they play football and do gymnastics or swimming.  11. to be healthy and fit, i exercise and do sports regularly.  

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