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1. определите время и залог сказуемых, предложения переведите. 1. weather condition in the north are studied by meteorologists. 2. sound will be amplified by new device. 3. the powerful ventilators were purifying the air the laboratory for 20 minutes. 4. scientists are developing new processes to produce the necessary metals.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. weather conditions in the north are studied by meteorologists. (present    simple passive)погодные условия на севере изучаются метеорологами. 2. sound will be amplified by new device.(future simple passive)      звук будет усилен новым устройством 3. the powerful ventilators were purifying the air in the laboratory for 20 minutes. (past continuous active)    мощные вентиляторы очищали воздух в лаборатории в течение 20 минут. 4. scientists are developing new processes to produce the necessary metals. (present continuous active)     ученые разрабатывают новые процессы для производства необходимых металлов.


He is talking so fast.


He isn't talking so fast.


Is he talking so fast?


I'm afraid I forget her telephone number.


I am not afraid I forget her telephone number.


Am I afraid I forget her telephone number?

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