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Сочинение на тему кратко о my day на языке

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My day.usually i get up at 7 o'clock. i get up at once and sometimes do my morning exercises. then i take a shower and clean my teeth. after that i dress and go to school. i live not far from it so i walk there. i usually have breakfast at school. every day we have 6 lessons, so i am at school till 2 o'clock. then i go home, have dinner and rest for a couple of hours. on monday, wednesday and friday i go to the swimming pool. the rest of my week is free. in the evening i do my home task and help my parents if they ask me. sometimes i play computer games or read books. and of course i chat with my friends online. i go to bed at 11 o'clock. that is my usual day.  мой день.обычно я встаю в 7 часов. я встаю сразу и иногда делаю утреннюю зарядку. затем я принимаю душ и чищу зубы. после этого я одеваюсь и иду в школу. я живу недалеко от неё, поэтому я иду туда пешком. я обычно завтракаю в школе. каждый день у нас есть 6 уроков, таким образом, я в школе до 2 часов. затем я иду домой, и отдыхаю пару часиков. в понедельник, в среду и в пятницу я хожу в бассейн. остальная часть моей недели свободна. вечером я делаю свое и моим родителям, если они попросят.  иногда я играю в компьютерные игры или читаю книги. и конечно я болтаю со своими друзьями онлайн. я ложусь спать в 11 часов. это - мой обычный день.

One day, me and my friends christina, maximilian, boris and david went to an abandoned 25-storey home, in order to consider it. my friends went to the roof, and i with the  best friend chris went to 13 floor  , because we suspected that this floor will be worse and we will vlink in a kind of funny story. we went into the room and see the bed , and behind it a large wardrobe. before this trip to home, my friends and i watched the film "the curse". christina thought in the closet someone there and cried maximilian, so he went in and saw that there. pushed forward with the words "let it be the first, it is not a pity", he said that there's nothing there, but we take him at his word did not believe, so i decided to go down to her friend and take centimeter. gave it to max so he measured the entire cabinet, then he told us what and how much cm and decided to leave it. christina stood up beside the bed, his back to the closet. we laughed, talked and i decided to make fun of christina. i made a frightened facial expression, christina screamed and ran to the first floor, i sarichev with her ran after her. our friends were already on the 1st floor. we came and decided to think about what happened. it turns out she thought that someone was standing behind her and scared, and i thought she ran due to the fact that someone grabbed his leg. in the end we all laughed at this story and went home.

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