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Rewrite the following sentences using because of/due to/owing to. 1) he couldn’t play because he had an injured shoulder. 2) she got the job because her qualifications are excellent. 3) the weather was awful, so we couldn’t eat outside. 4) she had to stay at home because she had a broken leg. 5) the flowers died because it was so dry.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Практически все 3 союза можно употребить в каждом из предложений.1) he couldn’t play because due to his  injured shoulder.2) she got the job  owing to   her excellent qualifications.3) we couldn’t eat outside  due to the awful weather. 4) she had to stay at home because of her  broken leg.5) the flowers died because of the dry weather. 1) он не мог играть,  из-за своей  травмы плеча.2) она получила работу, своей отличной квалификации.3) мы не могли поесть на свежем воздухе,  из-за ужасной погоды.4) ей пришлось остаться дома,  из-за сломанной ноги.5) цветы завяли,  из-за сухой погоды.

Today is tuesday – a very special day for me. 1 this morning i’m going to a job interview. it’s starting 2 at 10 o’clock. it is my first job interview. i hope it’ll go well. tomorrow, 3 at wednesday, i’m planning to spend time with my friends. the day after tomorrow is busy too. i’ve got to be at the gym as there’s going to be a basketball match. i am a member of a sports team and we always play basketball 4 on thursdays.5 last month we won four matches in a row

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