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Уменя сегодня сдача по топикам. кто нибудь отправьте короткие топики. я вас умаляю .student card task 1 (1,5-2 minutes) give a talk about climate. remember to say: 1) what is climate in fact 2) if climate is the same in this or that part of the world, if it changes and how it happens 3) what the greenhouse effect is 4) how the greenhouse effect can influence the climate on the planet in future 5) if our planet needs protection student card task 1 (1,5-2 minutes) give a talk about the environmental problems remember to say: 1) what the word “environment” means 2) what the most serious environmental problems are 3) what makes sea water dangerous nowadays 4) where air pollution mostly comes from 5) what people should do to solve these problems student card task 1 (1,5-2 minutes) give a talk about england remember to say: 1) what the capital of england is and how big it is compared with other cities 2) what the regions of england are 3) what each region is famous for, what their main attractions are 4) what parts of england you would like to visit and why student card task 1 (1,5-2 minutes) give a talk about royal london remember to say: 1) what places in london are connected with the crown 2) which building is the official residence of queen elizabeth ii 3) how many royal parks there are in london (name some of them) 4) what royal processions are usually held in london 5) which of the famous british kings and queens you can name; why they are remembered student card task 1 (1,5-2 minutes) give a talk about scotland remember to say: 1) into what parts scotland is divided geographically 2) what the two great cities are 3) what they are famous for 4) what the main attractions of edinburgh are 5) if you would like to visit scotland and why student card task 1 (1,5-2 minutes) give a talk about wales. remember to say: 1) where wales is situated 2) what the symbols of wales are 3) what the two national languages are 4) what the main attractions are in wales 5) what the national game of wales is student card task 1 (1,5-2 minutes) give a talk about the usa and its people remember to say: 1) where the usa situated 2) how many states there are in this country 3) what mighty rivers and mountain chains you can name 4) what the most famous places are to enjoy the beauty and the power of wild america 5) why people call the usa “a big melting pot” student card task 1 (1,5-2 minutes) give a talk about political system of the usa remember to say: 1) when the constitution was written and who wrote it 2) what the three brunches of the us government are 3) what the changes to the constitution are 4) how many amendments to the constitution there are student car give a talk about william shakespeare. remember to say: 1) when and where he was born 2) what he was famous for 3) who was his wife and children 4) why he takes a special place in the history of theatre 5) what great plays he wrote

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Ты что продаёшь топики

- i hate her!

- whom?

- daisy! my little sister. i was searching for my new blue jacket this morning for about an hour and where do you think i have found it later? on her! she just took it without even asking me!  

- even elder sisters sometimes borrow clothes. it's not a big deal.

- it's a big deal as it is not the first time when she borrows my stuff without any permission! and it's not just clothes. last week i found my lipgloss and mascara in her bag! how about that, huh? it's the same as stealing!  

- no it's not. 

- yeah it is! who knows, maybe she didn't want to give them back later. 

- she is your sister. brothers and sisters don't have to ask each other first if they want to borrow something. and also don't forget that she's just ten years old!  

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