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Complete the sentences with the correct form of much or do. 1)i a lot of phone calls to my family while i was away. 2)have you your homework yet? 3)do you a lot of sport? 4)i called the doctor to an appointment. 5)i think they need to some changes. 6)sometimes, people fun of his voice. 7)are we going to the same thing next week?

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1was making 2 done 3 do 4 make 5 make 6 make 7 do

How much food do you think you will eat by the time you are seventy-nine? the average frenchwoman, for example, will eat: 25 cows 40 sheep  35 pigs 1,200 chickens 2.07 tonnes of fish 5.05 tonnes of potatoes 30,000 litres of milk 13,000 eggs 50,000 loaves of bread 12,000 bottles of wine 9,000 litres of orange juice 6,000 litres of mineral water 1.37 tonnes of apples 768 kg of oranges 2.07 tonnes of fish 430 bags of carrots 5.05 tonnes of potatoes 720 kg of tomatoes 30,000 litres of milk 1,300 lettuces 13,000 eggs hundreds of packets of coffee, sugar, spaghetti, etc 8 kg of dirt delicious, isn’t it? how many cows and pigs have you swallowed already? scientists say that we eat about half-a-ton of food a year – not counting drink! some people eat even more.                                                                                                         according to who (world health organization), americans are the fattest people in the world. 55% of women and 63% of men over 25 are overweight or obese. (doctors say that you are obese if you weight at least 30% above ideal body weight.) “compared to europeans, americans eat all the time,” writes joanna coles, a british correspondent for the guardian. “at the hairdressers, in their cars, during college lectures, while waiting in hospital and at the cinema, where they arrive clutching monster buckets of pop-corn, doberman sized hot-dogs and containers of diet pepsi”.though america is the world leader in obesity, europe is quickly catching up. according to who, almost one-third of people living in the european union are now overweight and one in 10 is obese. britain has replaced germany as europe’s most overweight nation! 20% of women and 17% of men are obese. and the english are fatter than the scots or welsh. russia, the czech republic and finland also have some of the heaviest people in europe. even in such countries as french, italy and sweden, europe’s slimmest nations, people (especially women) are becoming fatter. among the french, italians and swedish, who are considered to be europe’s slimmest nations, the number of overweight people is dramatically rising.

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