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Найдите ошибки в предложениях: 1) there is very few soup in the bowl 2) how much carrots are there in the fridge? 3) rita has got many money 4) there are a little people in the shop 5) mike hasn't got much friends 6)there is few show on the mountains 7)how much deer can you see? 8) i have got little cds but a lot cassettes 9) there are much animals in the zoo 10)how many sugar is there in the bowl?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) there is very little soup in the bowl2) how many carrots are there in the fridge? 3) rita has got much/a lot of  money4) there are a few people in the shop5) mike hasn't got many friends6)there is little show on the mountains7) how many deer can you see? 8) i have got few cds but a lot cassettes9) there are many animals in the zoo10) how much  sugar is there in the bowl?

Горожане,,почтальон,,и как неодушевленноы ящик для писем т.к про него весь рассказ

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