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1. choose the correct answer. 1 'what at the moment? ' 'i'm writing a letter to my aunt.' a are you doing b you are doing c do you dc 2 'were you at work yesterday? ' 'no, was ill.' a am not b was c wasn't 3 'it's very hot in this room, isn't it? ' 'yes. window.' a will you open b open c will open 4 'where is christine? ' 'i don't know. today.' a am not seeing b haven't seen c didn't see 5 'what's wrong? ' 'my car has broken , please? ' a will you help b you will help c shall you help 6 'are you new here? ' 'no. for five years.' a had been living b have been living c am living

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Ответы на вопрос:

2c, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b.

Lenin st. 197 gagarin st. 589 shelekhov st. 56 walker st. 15 breendeal st.27 westmister st. 34 так?

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