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Translate the sentences using the future simple, to be going to or the present continuous: 1. я думаю,погода завтра будет дождливая. 2.я сейчас иду в бассейн. - хорошо, я приду через 15 минут. 3.мы сегодня вечером идём в театр, у нас уже есть билеты. 4.мы собираемся на море этим летом. 5.посмотри, на небе тучи. я думаю пойдёт дождь. 6.я обещаю, я принесу твою книгу завтра. !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i think it will rain tomorrow.2. i am going to the swimming poo. okay, i will be there in 15 minutes.3. we are going to the theatre this evening, we already have the tickets.4. we are going to  the sea this summer.5. look, the sky is clouding up. i think it is going to rain.6. i promise, i will bring your book tomorrow.

Have you have to be more clever we have to be quiet you have to be wise . you have to be the best but not worse they have to be more normal has he has to be happy because he is sad all time she has to be quiet she hasn't to be sad it hasn't to be bad he hasn't to be loud

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