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Вы получили письмо от вашего друга по переписки sharon надо написать письмо на не менее 100-120 слов и ответить на вопросы. 1 what do you think about shopping in your free time. 2 what do you go shopping for . 3 what was the last piece of clothing you bought.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ireally like to go shopping in my spare time, try on everything i can, find all kinds of trinkets and just have fun with my friends or family. recently i saw a nice t-shirt in the store and so wanted to buy it, but at that time i did not have any money and i had to postpone her purchase, hoping that she had not been bought yet. when she returned to the store a few days later she was gone, it was sad, because i really wanted to buy it. the last thing i bought was a jacket, a dark red jacket without a hood. i like it very much, now i will only walk in it.

1) заносчивый, высокомерный

2) добродушная


4) ответственная

5) сформировавшийся как личность (имеющий зрелые взгляды) // ответственные решения

6) вспыльчивый

7) честолюбивая

Популярно: Английский язык