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1. he…a big car. a) has b) have c) her d) his 2. my brother didn’ yesterday. a) studied b) study c) studies d) studying 3. there… tomatoes in the fridge a) is b) any c) no d) are 4. they ….. great dancers in 1967 a) were b) was c) are d) am 5. she doesn’t like…television. a) watch b) watching c) watches d) looking 6. please give…your pen. a) he b) his c) him d) himself 7. my mother…five days a week. a) work b) is working c) works d) worked 8. we…in a flat when we were in paris. a) lived b) live c) lives d) are living 9. you … use your phone in class. a) must b) mustn’t 10. … hundreds of market towns and villages in the uk. a) there are b) are c) there is

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1а 2 б 3 д 4 а 5 а 6 с 7 с 8 а 9 б 10 а

Has study are were watch him works lives mustn’t there are

Япроснулась сейчас 1 января я встала пошла умылась и завтракала.я пошла в гастинную и посмотрела в окно и увидела снег я была в полном восторге я была веселая .на следуюший день мама мне пустила погулять с во дворе . мне было весоло . i woke up now january 1, i got up washed went and had breakfast.i went to gostinnoy and looked out the window and saw snow i was ecstatic i was gay . the next day mom allowed me to take a walk with the boys in the yard . i was very veselo .

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