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1. that’s the boy … mum works in a bank. a) who b) whose c) which 2. jane called her mother … she got home. a) as soon as b) until c) after 3. bob enjoys parties. he is very… a) sociable b) creative c) polite 4. he ran … bread, so he went to buy some. a) into b) out of c) up 5. let’s … a dvd tonight. a) check b) look c) rent 6. sue is looking … to his holiday. a) up b) forward c) for 7. she … flying by plane. a) don’t like b) doesn’t like c) is like 8. he gave … smoking last year. a) back b) away c) up 9. kate came … to see my new stereo. a) back b) across c) round 10. he was … with the news. a) disappointed b) disappoints c) disappointing 11. sam is as … as fred. a) clever b) cleverer c) the cleverest 12. there’s a problem. i can’t … to the internet. a) send b) store c) connect 13. she hasn’t called … . a) yet b ) just c) yesterday 14. hello. i’d like to … a place at your camp. a) obey b) address c) reserve 15. she spoke …than him. a) the most quietly b) quietlier c) more quietly 16. he’s been famous … over fifty years. a) in b) for c) since 17. we haven’t got … bananas left. a) much b) a little c) many 18. you … water the plants. i have done it. a) don’t have to b) must c) have to 19. they live in belfast, … ? a) isn’t they b) don’t they c) doesn’t they 20. she can’t drive, … ? a) she can b) doesn’t she c) can she 21. the … had a big queue of people waiting to pay. a) manager b) cashier c) cleaner 22. he …. here for ten years. a) has been working b) worked c) is working 23. give me a … of crisps, please. a) box b) tin c) packet 24. … are vegetables. a) eggs b) crisps c) tomatoes 25. jack took … his sunglasses before he dived into the pool. a) out b) off c) away 26. is there … rice in the cupboard? a) any b) some c) many

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Ilike wearing men's clothing. they make me feel proud and free. wearing them  i find myself a strong woman .

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