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Решите ! part 1: grammar and vocabulary 1. he can’t drive if he doesn’t have a driving …. a licence b park c ride 2. from canada! a greetings b regards c remarks 3. i think renee zellweger is very . a noisy b attractive c great 4. you are what you a see b sleep c eat 5. bob is very . he would be an excellent techer/ a curious b patient c athletic 6. according the critics, it is the scariest film of all time. a from b with c to 7. we ran bread, so i went to the bakery. a into b out of c over 8. can i have water, please? a some b a few c no 9. i saw a that was very funny. a thriller b romance c comedy 10.peter is more talented tim. a from b than c then 11.this song was in the top ten on the music . a scripts b plots c charts 12.he has been living here fifteen years. a on b since c for 13.bob argued his brother over the football match. a from b by c with 14.i can hear the birds singing from their . a nest b ladder c net 15.you don’t look very . sit down for a moment! a all right b wrong c well 16.i there before. it’s a very nice museum. a ’ve gone b ’ve been c be 17.she the house at 7 this morning. a is leaving b left c leaves 18.i like the of this song. a special effects b role c lyrics fumes can be dangerous to our health. a acid b toxic c air 20.there are of oranges in the fridge. a a lot b any c some 21.this coffee hasn’t got sugar. i need to add some more. a a little b much c some 22.i a new digital camera. i’m sure we’ll take nice pictures with it. a have bought b have been buying c haven’t bought 23.you can look any unknown words. a after b forward to c up 24.christopher is of dogs. a scary b scaring c scared 25.this is the shop we bought the laptop. a why b when c where 26.when i was young, we board games on friday nights. a used to play b play c were playing 27.peter was watching a documentary when the phone …… . a rings b rang c have rang 28.we take photos in the museum. it’s not allowed! a mustn’t b must c should 29.we can a party for your birthday. it’ll be fun. a throw b practise c move 30 pets need a lot of . a adventure b cartoons c affection 31.do you watching a film tonight? a fancy b like c feel 32.he came an old vase in the attic. a round b across c out 33.this film is quite . a bored b boring c bore 34.look at that little boy! he fall off his bike. a is going to b will c is 35.i at my mum’s shop for the next few weeks. a work b am working c worked 36.the waiter brought us the menu we sat down. a as soon as b then c until 37.the girl father is a dentist is my best friend. a whose b which c who 38.i can do it . thank you. a myself b herself c yourself 39.the at the shop decided to have a staff meeting. a shop assistant b cashier c manager 40.use the watering to water the flowers. a bag b can c gloves 41.we should take the children for a walk. it’s a lovely day! a out b away c off 42.i went to berlin two years . a since b before c ago 43.if you wake up early, you late for work. a be b aren’t being c won’t be 44.i have a fever. the doctor said i should stay in bed. a low b bad c high 45.we since 2 pm. a ’ve been sleeping b ’ve slept c ’re sleeping 46.we supper when there was a power cut. a were cooking b cooked c are cooking 47.as soon as we got to the campsite we put our tents. a on b into c up 48.why would he make such a story? a up with b out c up 49.tina’s not here. she out with her friends. a goes b has been c has gone 50.i only drink low- milk when i’m on a diet. a butter b fat c salt 51.brian took the video game to the shop because it wasn’t working. a off b back c away 52.the government is trying to pollution by using various methods. a reduce b emit c burn 53my mum’s hair is and curly. it’s really nice. a middle-aged b shoulder-length c slim 54.if we continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species extinct. a will become b become c are becoming 55.he of buying a new pair of sunglasses. a thinks b is thinking c are thinking 56.there is traffic in the morning. a heavy b slim c thin 57.we bought some crayons from the shop. a homeware b stationery c jewellery 58.you all night. you must be exhausted! a ’ve studied b are studying c ’ve been studying 59.they him a car when they find an inexpensive one. a were buying b buy c will buy 60.to protect from the heat we have to wear special gloves. a ourselves b yourselves c themselves за некорректные ответы буду отправлять жб!

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1. a 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. b 11. c 12. c 13. c 14. a 15. c 16. b 17. a 18. c 19. b 20. a 21. b 22. a 23. c 24. c 25. c 26. a 27. b 28. a 29. a 30. c 31. a 32. b 33. b 34. a 35. b 36. a 37. a 38. a 39. c 40. b 41. a 42. c 43. c 44. c 45. a 46. a 47. c 48. c 49. c 50. b 51. b 52. a 53. b 54. a 55. b 56. a 57. b 58. c 59. c 60. a

If i go to alaska then i'll take with me mostly warm clothes, since it's very cold there. если я поеду на аляску то я возьму с собой в основном теплую одежду так как там холодно.

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