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How did the king solve his problem? ответить на вопрос корреспондента

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Iknow that the majority of teenagers is accepted by drugs, smoke and drink that simply do not know as to spend a free time. and at them it is a lot of free time, because they do not wish to do lessons. and it already a problem of parents which do not force them. but that parents will strongly force to do lessons, the problem of fathers and children will develop. the problem of fathers and children will develop, hence teenagers will try to leave from it, by means of the same drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. the vicious circle turns out. i do not know the decision of these problems.

How i like to go to my grandparents in the village on a spring break. there is such freshness that you can sniff on days and nights. there my friends are animals: the dog umka and tim's cat. i'm very good at playing with them. i helped my grandmother and grandfather plow the garden. it is very exciting. i invite you, my dear friends, to visit you. как же я люблю на весенних каникулах ездить к бабушке с дедушкой в село. там такая свежесть, что можно нюхать днями и ночами. там мои друзья животные: собака умка и кот тима. я хорошо с ними играюсь.я бабушке с дедушкой вспахивать огород. это увлекательно. приглашаю вас, мои дорогие друзья, к себе.

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