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Ii.find and circle the odd word out in each line. 1. trainers, trousers, sweater, pyjamas, leggings 2. snow, snowball, snowflake, snowman, snowboard 3. win, play, forget, make, wear 4. heavy, degree, neat, fashionable, scruffy 5. travelling, gardening, cooking, boring, skateboarding iii.make up sentences of the given words. 1. the planet, on, we, live, is, the earth. 2. are, large, the continents? 3. australia, there, one, is, only, country, in. 4. vietnam, are, in, and, asia, india. 5. the largest, country, the world, is, in, russia. iv.fill in who/ which 1) i don’t like people (who/which) hate animals. 2) the question (who/which) you are asking me is very difficult.3) the children (who/which) are playing in the garden are my brother’s friends. 4) the jobs (who/which) he did in his young years were all very interesting. 5) the mice (who/which) live under the floor get out at night. use the right form of the verb to complete the sentences. (5 б.) 1. jack is not sure if he (be) london next week. 2. if he (go) to london next week, he (meet) cousin mary. 3. if you (not, change) plans for the coming summer, i’ll go to the sea with you. 4. i don’t know when i (watch) film but i really want to do it. 5. please tell me when you (be) able to come and see us.

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The letter will be written tomorrow. a new hospital was built last year. a book is being read at the moment. первое не может быть, так: the doctor was sent for an hour ago.

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