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1. connect with answer (1-5 with a-d) 1. shelly goes shopping every day. 2. nina is writing something in her exercise book. 3. my best friend will come to visit me today. 4. richard lost his keys yesterday. 5. my mother doesn’t speak english. a) present simple; b) past simple; c) present continuous; d) future simple. 2. choose the correct option. a. he was offered the job because he was (good, better,the best) b. next week i’m going (on, at, of, in) a. school trip to a museum. c. he has a party every day, (doesn’t he, hasn’t he)? d. she is (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than her brother. 3. put articles where necessary. a. my mother works at school. b. there’s nice garden near house. c. аpple a day is good for you. d. that is beautiful flower. e. milk is good for children. 4. исправьте грамматические ошибки. a. let’s meet in five o’clock. b. they have dinner now. c. do you go to the library after classes tomorrow? d. do you get up this morning at 7 o’clock? e. i didn’t met my best friend yesterday. 5. i left it in classroom. there their they're 6. they promised that they … at nine o’clock. will come came would came would come 7. mary is good … sports. in at on of 8. my friend … in boston at the moment, but he … from canada. lives, comes lives, is coming is living, is coming is living, comes 9. …. life can be difficult in modern society. a the an (nothing) 10. you take this one and i'll use their there theirs they're 11. granny better now, thank you. is feeling feels feel feeling 12. what do you like to have for breakfast? i like to have a cup of tea with a toast. me like to have a cup of tea with a toast. me likes to have a cup of tea with a toast. i likes to have to have a cup of tea with a toast. 13. i go to the university bus. in by on at 14. vienna is city in austria. the most beautifu the beautiful lest more beautiful than 15. anna and kate to the cinema last sunday. didn’t went don’t go didn’t go 16. john right now. is swimming swim swims am swimming 17. there bad news on tv tonight. is too much are too many are few are a few 18. he doesn't have money. much many little a little 19. please give me cup of strong coffee with cream and sugar. i hate black coffee, i'm afraid. a, -, -, -, - the, the. the, the, - the, -, -, -, - a, the, -, -, the 20. we watched news on television. this, - these, - this, the these, the 21. i hurt leg. my mine a the 22. people spend their time at work. most, most of most, most most of, most of most of, most 23. i have a reservation the name of smith. on at under 24. when i'm on the bus i hate to see old ladies stand standing are standing 25. how about going a walking tour? to at on

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9.the 13.at 15.didn't went 16.is swimmming 23.on 25.to

1a 2 c 3d 4b 5a    2 a good b in c  hasn't he d cleverer 3 a - b a nice . the house c an apple d a beautiful e  4 a at five b they are having dinner now c will you d did you e didn't meet    5 their 6 would come 7 at 8 is living, comes 9 - nothing 10 theirs 11 is feeling 12 i like to . 13 by 14 the most beautiful 15  didn't go 16 is swimming 17 is too much 18 much 19 a, 20 this , the 21 my 22 most, their 23 under 24 standing  25 on

ответ:Сара Кэмпбелл делает последний глубокий вдох и ныряет в море. Она спускается в голубую воду и продолжает спускаться и спускаться. Вскоре люди на поверхности больше не могут ее видеть. У нее нет с воздухом, только гидрокостюм, очки и моноласта и большие ласты, которые делают ее похожей на современную русалку. Сара - чемпионка мира по фридайвингу и использует всего один вдох, чтобы погрузить ее как можно глубже и снова подняться на поверхность! На ее счету четыре мировых рекорда и золотая медаль чемпионата мира. Фридайвинг - один из самых опасных видов спорта в мире. На спуске легкие фридайвера сжимаются до размера лимона, а на обратном пути - вдвое. Но для Сары все это естественно. после многих лет практики йоги и медитации она может задерживать дыхание более чем на пять минут


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