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Всаду собрали 12кг яблок и 8кг груш.из 6-кг фруктов сварили варенье сколько килограммов фруктов осталось. реши тремя способами.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,4(3 оценок)

1способ: (12+8)-6=14 2 способ: 12+(8-6)=14 3 способ: 8+(12-6)=14
4,5(70 оценок)

1) 12 кг - 6 кг + 8 кг = 14 кг 2) 12 кг + 8 кг - 6 кг = 14 кг 3) 8 кг - 6 кг + 12 кг = 14 кг 

Ireally like to fly. i like everything including buying tickets, boarding the plane ,collecting luggage.there is something special during the flight.this is a real adventure.i like long or short flights.many people govorot that the economy class is awful but i like it.in economy class there's not much space for legs but i don ranr.many people say they don't like airplane food and i like it.i love her.the only thing i don't like the turbulence it's scary.i always think that the plane ratables.also, i do not like waiting when the plane stops. it takes a long time. one day i would like to fly in business class

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