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2. заполните пропуски, используйте was, were, wasn’t или weren’t. 1. my mother ….is a teacher. 2. we… in moscow. it …interesting. 3. my friends… at school, but i …. at home, because i … well. 4.sam…late for office, because he…in a hospital. 5.we…. very happy with our room. it ….very big and large. 6.- … kate and sam at school? - kate …, but tom….. he is ill. 7. i a student. 8. my father not a shop-assistant, he a scientist. 9. your aunt a nurse? - yes, she . 10. they at home? - no, they not. they at school.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. was  2. were,was 3.were,was,wasn't 4. was,was 5. were,was 6. weren't,was,wasn't 7.was 8.wasn't,was 9.was,were 10.were,weren't,were

2. were, was 3. were, was,wasn't 4. was, was 5. were, was 6. were, was, wasn't 7. was 8. wasn't, was 9. was, was 10. weren't, were,were

-hey jeremy!

-hey lisa! you look so fresh! nice holidays, huh?

-yeah, that was awesome! we've spent a week in the mountains with my family.

-really? what were you doing there?

-well, nothing special, just camping. though, i've enjoyed it so much! you know, fresh air, amazing what about your vacation?

- there's nothing much to tell about. really, that was one huge failure.

-huh? why so?

-let me tell you something about our flight, to start with. 

-yep, sure! go ahead!

-so, we've booked our flight something like a week before the journey itself. that was our first problem.

-what happened?  

-obviously, when it all came to collecting tickets from the flights office, it appeared that our reservation just didn't work!


-yes! actually, they told us that they didn't have any tickets for that flight already! imagine us, staying it t-shirts and shorts, with all those and completely confused! that was embarassing!

-i can imagine. what happened next?

-anyway, we made our way on that island with another traveling company. but as soon as we arrived to the hotel, we have realised that it was terrible! those old rooms with horrible furniture and bathroom with yuks! but we seemed to be rather optimistic as we didn't do any harm to the hotel staff. we just bought three tents and spent the whole night at the beach!

-wow! that must be great.

-i wouldn't say so. anyway, you there was a storm coming from the ocean,


-our tents, just as all our suitcases and other stuff bere just blown away!

-oh my god, that is horrible! how did you get back home?

-with help of god. i don't know why, but we became extremely lucky after what happened - we went to embassy and were provided with help in being transported back home!

- heh, nice vacation.


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