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Did you see anything nice for kate at the shops? somebody has broken into my house! правильно ли написаны предложения?

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Вы видели что-нибудь приятное для кейт в магазинах? кто-то ворвался в мой дом! ( это перевод) did you see anything pleasant for kate in the stores? someone broke into my house!

1. pete isn't at work now. is pete at work now? - no, he isn't/yes, he is. 2.  my friend isn't good at geography. is my friend good at geography? -  no, he isn't/yes, he is. 3.  it wasn't wonderful at the party. was it wonderful at the party? - yes, it was/ no, it wasn't. 4.  they weren't at the cinema yesterday. were they at the cinema yesterday? -  yes, they were/ no, they weren't. 5. the temperature won't be above zero tomorrow. will the temperature be above zero tomorrow? - yes, it will/ no, it won't. 6.  i’m sure they won't be late for the meeting. will they be late for the meeting? yes, they will/ no, they won't. 7.  they won't be back tomorrow. will they be back tomorrow? -  yes, they will/ no, they won't. 8.  the teacher wasn't pleased with the student’s answer. was the teacher pleased with the student’s answer? - yes, it was/ no, it wasn't. 9.  we won't  be busy next sunday. will we  be busy next sunday - yes, we will/ no, we won't. 10.  the sportsmen aren't ready for the competition. are the sportsmen ready for the competition? - yes, they are/ no, they aren't. 11.  bob isn't a famous football player. is  bob a famous football player? - yes, he is/ no, he isn't. 12.  relationships within the family aren't different now. are  relationships within the family different now? -  yes, they are/ no, they aren't. 13.  christmas isn't the traditional time for presents. is  christmas the traditional time for presents? - yes, it is/ no, it isn't. 1. я боюсь собак. 2. в чем ты конкретно заинтересован? 3. я не голодный, я хочу пить. 4. ты готов к уроку? 5. по телевизору идет новый фильм. ты собираешься смотреть его? 6. он выезжает из лондона.  7. он дома? - нет. 8. я боюсь, что ты не прав.  9. ты справился со своей работой. 10. важна.

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