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Переведите, , на , используя the future simple, the future continuous и the future perfect tenses, заранее завтра миссис коллинз посетит школу своего сына ника. когда она придёт туда в два часа дня, он будет играть в игры, но это неважно, потому что сначала она пойдёт к его учителю. к тому времени, когда они закончат разговор, урок закончится, и ник будет готов идти с мамой домой. через два часа ник сделает уроки и будет свободен. когда я приеду к ним, ник с родителями будет обедать. после обеда мы будем играть в компьютерные игры. к тому времени, когда мы перестанем играть, миссис коллинз приготовит кофе. мы будем сидеть в гостиной и пить горячий кофе. потом я отправлюсь домой.

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Mrs. collins is attending her son nick's school tomorrow. when she gets there at 2: 00 in the afternoon, he'll play games, but it doesn't matter, because she'll go to his teacher first. by the time they're done talking, the lesson's over, and nick's ready to go home with mom. two hours later, nick finishes his homework and be free. when i get there, nick and his parents are having lunch. after lunch we will play computer games. by the time we stop playing, mrs. collins will have coffee. we'll sit in the living room drinking hot coffee. then i'll go home.

Anna said that she received 2 tickets to the Bolshoi Theater as a birthday present.

He said that he would follow me in five minutes.

Mom wanted to know when her daughter should take the medicine.

I’m not sure if he received all the letters yesterday.

Sid asked not to punish his brother.

The little boy said it was his turn to throw the ball.

Anna asked where I was going.

He smiled and said that he had never been to Paris.

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