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Хотя бы половину переведите на язык, употребляя глаголы в present simple, present continuous или present perfect 1.я учу язык сейчас 2.я учу язык два раза в неделю 3.я уже выучила 4.моя мама читает каждый день 5.моя мама уже прочитала книгу 6.моя мама читает книгу сейчас 7.они рисуют в настоящий момент 8.они уже нарисовали картину 9.они рисуют 3 раза в день 10.мы не ходим в парк каждый день 11.мы не идем в парк сейчас 12.мы еще не сходили в парк 13.дети уже спели песню? 14.дети поют сейчас? 15.дети поют каждое воскресенье ? 16.что ты делаешь сейчас? 17.что ты делаешь каждый день? 18.что ты уже сделал?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1i am learning english now. 2 i learn english twice a week . 3 i have already learned english. 4 my mother reads every day. 5 my mother has already read a book. 6 my mother is reading a book now. 7 they are drawing at the moment. 8 they have already drawn a picture. 9 they draw three times a day. 10 we don't go to the park every day. 11 we aren't going to the park now. 12 we haven't gone to the park yet. 13 have the children already sung a song? 14 are the children singing now? 15 do the children sing every sunday? 16 what are you doing now? 17 what do you do every day? 18 what have you already done?

1  study 2  study 3  have studied 4  reads 5  has read 6  is reading 7  are painting 8  have painted 9  paint 10 don't go 11 aren't going 12 we haven't gone to the park yet 13 have the children sung a song? 14 are they singing now? 15 do they sing every sunday? 16 what are you doing now? 17 what do you do every day? 18 what have you done?

1 used to

2 had lied

3 have been sitting

4 themselves

5 Was the Oscar ceremony reported inbthe news last night?

6 will get it

7 is having

8 must have quarrelled

Популярно: Английский язык