34 раскрыть скобки а ещё я хотел сказать возможно это как то мы проходим past simple 1.i ) my granny yesterday /cook) five years ago? 3. (not/be) blonde last year. 4./catch) the ball yesterday 5. /dance) last year 6.) bags yesterday (dig) in the garden last week? 8.you__ ) i right yesterday? 9.) five last year 10./listen) to me last lesson. 11.) fruit on the floor yesterday. 12./be) funny last weekend. 13. ) it a week ago? 14._ ) you busy an hour ago ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1visited 2 could you cook.. ? 3 wasn't 4 didn't catch 5 couldn't dance 6 carried 7 did she ? 9 was 10. didn't listen 11 droped 12 weren't 13 did you watch ? 14 were you

1. when you grow up you are adult. 2. a machine which you call in summer is air conditioning. 3. somewhere to stub your cigar out in is called ashtray. 4. a word that means "good looking or pretty" amiable.

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