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Переведите на он умеет плавать они не умеют говорить на что ты умеешь делать моему другу следует принимать витамины вам не следует опаздывать

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Ответы на вопрос:

He can swim. they can’t speak german . what can you do? my friend should take vitamins. you shouldn’t be late.

He can swim, they're can't speak in german, what do you can do, my friends should take a medicine, you shouldn't be late

Who (are) these people you (are talking) about ? the film (starts) in five minutes on screen four, upstairs. mark (had written) a book, but unfortunately he (did not publish) it. my family and i (were relieved) that i (had survived) after such a strange disease. he (took) one day off every three weeks when he (was working) in india.

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