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3. перепишите предложения в тетрадь, откройте скобки. используйте pr.s., pr.cont., pr.perf., pr.perf.cont., past s., past cont., past perf., past perf.cont., f.s., to be going to 1. the weather (to be) fine today. the sun (to shine) ever since we got up. 2. he (to read) a book at 5 o'clock yesterday. 3. you (to go) for a walk with me? - i (to be) sorry, i can't. i (not yet to write) the english exercise. if you (to wait) for me, i (to go) with you in half an hour. 4. yesterday the children (to do) all their homework before mother (to come) home, and when she (to come) they (to play) with the cat. 5. where you usually (to take) books for reading? 6. what (to smell) here so lovely? 7. when mr and mrs smith (to arrive) home, they (to discover) that someone (to break) into (проник в дом с целью совершения кражи) their house. their video recorder and television (to disappear). 8. - when you (to come) to see us? - i (to come) tomorrow if i (not to be) busy. 9. summer (to come) it (to be) july now. 10. i (to watch) cartooms for two hours when i (to fall) asleep.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. the weather (is) fine today. the sun (has been shining) ever since we got up. 2. he (was reading) a book at 5 o'clock yesterday. 3. are you (going) for a walk with me? - i (am) sorry, i can't. i (have not yet written) the english exercise. if you (to wait) for me, i (will go) with you in half an hour. 4. yesterday the children (had done) all their homework before mother (came) home, and when she (came) they (were playing) with the cat. 5. where do you usually (take) books for reading? 6. what (smells) here so lovely? 7. when mr and mrs smith (arrived) home, they (discovered) that someone (had broken) into their house. their video recorder and television (had disappeared). 8. - when are you (going to come) to see us? - i (will come) tomorrow if i (am not) busy. 9. summer (has come). it (is) july now. 10. i (had been watching) cartooms for two hours when i (fell) asleep.

am, is и are используются в определённых лицах глагола to be.

а теперь запоминай:  

am используется в 1-ом лице единственного числа!


1. i am so lucky today! (я такой везучий сегодня! )

2. am i right? (я прав? )


is используется в 3-ем лице единственного числа!  


1. he is so lucky today!   (он такой везучий сегодня! ) 

2. she is so lucky today! (она такая везучая сегодня! )

3. it is so fun today! (оно сегодня такое забавное! )

4. is he right? (он прав? )



are используется во всех остальных случаях, то есть: 1) во втором лице единственного и множественного числа, 2)  в третьем лице множественного числа и 3) в первом лице множественного числа!



  1) 1. you are so prettytoday! (второе лицо единственного числа)

      2. boys! you are so pretty today!         (второе лицо множественного числа)


2) they are so lucky today! (третье лицо множественного числа)

3) we are so lucky today! (первое лицо множественного числа)


если я вам, , пометьте мой как лучший.   






Популярно: Английский язык