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Решить ! ! 25 ! выражение действия в будущем времени. complete the sentences using will / be going to / present continuous: 1. i'm sure you __ the exam next week. (fail) a) are going to fail b) will fail c) is failing 2. начало формы don't touch that dog, it __ начало формы you. (bite) a) is going to bite b) will bite c) is biting 3. начало формы what time __ начало формы tomorrow. (leave) a) are you leaving b) will you leave c) are you going to leave предлоги. put the right preposition: 4. where have you been __ saturday? 5. don’t forget to come __ school __ 8 a.m. 6. do you know how to play __ chess. 7. can she play __ piano? артикли. choose the correct article: the/a/an/- 8. i would like to have __ piece of caka. 9. __ night is quien, let’s take a walk! 10. he doesn’t like __ milk. 11.give me __ apple, please! условные предложения. when/if clause…wish… 12. what __ (do) you sister when she ) the school? 13. i ) your brother if i ) free after school. 14. nick wisher he ) at school a week ago. 15. they wish they ) here befor. tag-? complete the tag-questions? 16. __ anna, isn’t she? 17. they don’t like coffee, 18. your dad hasn’t been abroad? 19. her brother won the competition yesterday, present continuous or present perfect continuous. fill the gaps: 20. now ted’s dad ) the life of sharks. 21. lucy and pat __ (learn) spanish since their childhood. 22. joho __ (spend) his holidays in new york.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. b 2. b 3. c 4. on 5. at, at 6. - 7. the 8. a 9.the 10. - 11. an 12. will do, finish 13. will, will 14. was 15. could come 16. is 17. do they? 18. has he? 19. isn't he? 20. studying  21. has been learning 22. has spent

1. if it is not raining; we do not enjoy

2. if you don’t interfere, they will forget

3. if you trust me, i can lead you

4. the dinner wouldn’t have been spoiled if you hadn’t forgotten the dish

5. she knows how to behave if she is a born lady

6. he wouldn’t take this case even if he was asked

7. the accident wouldn’t have happened if you was more attentive

8. she went there; she had to walk all day

9. is mind; is dismissed

10. may notice; opens


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