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Скажите что это не так : 1) we have got much fruit. 2)she can buy many cars. 3) they could see many monkeys. 4) we bought much coffee. 5) she takes many bananas.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  we have got much fruit.  we haven't    got much fruit. 2)she can buy many cars.  she cannot buy many cars. 3) they could see many monkeys.  they couldn't see many monkeys. 4) we bought much coffee.  we didn't buy  much coffee. 5) she takes many bananas.  she doesn't  take many bananas.

Буду писать на ниже перевод на . сказка "курочка ряба" 1.снесла курочка золотое яичко. 2 дед с бабкой старались его разбить. 3. у них ничего не вышло. 4. пробегала мимо яйца мышка, случайно задела и оно упало и разбилось. 5. курочка их , пообещав снести обычное яйцо.  the tale of "the hen" 1.demolished the chicken of the golden eggs. 2 grandparents tried to break it. 3. it didn't work out for them. 4. passed balls mouse accidentally tripped and it fell and broke. 5. the chicken felt sorry for them, promising to carry a normal egg.

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