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Each country became famous for its writer and playwright.  for example, my country - russia, glorified by alexander sergeyevich pushkin. he was a great and magnificent writer of the 18th century. although now it is read constantly. even his tales are included in the school program as: "read necessarily." his most famous fairy tales and poems are "the tale of the princess and the seven heroes", "the far east has a green oak tree " and удачи ♥ 

The greatest russian poet alexander sergeyevich pushkin was born in moscow on 26 may 1799 and died on 29 january 1837 in st. petersburg. he was not only the poet, but also dramatist, novelist and writer of short stories.нужен перевод, пиши

1) there aren't many students at the lecture today.сегодня на лекции ( присутствует) немного студентов. 2) there isn't any blackboard in front of the student's desk.перед партой студента нет доски. 3)there aren't several kids on the left.слева нет нескольких детей. 4) there isn't any window on the left. слева нет окна. 5) there aren't any tables on the wall. на стене нет столов. 1) are there many students at the lecture today? сегодня на лекции ( присутствует) много студентов? 2) is there any blackboard in front of the student's desk ? перед партой студента есть доска? 3) are there several kids on the left? слева есть несколько детей? 4) is there any window on the left? слева есть окно ? 5) are there any tables on the wall? на стене есть столы?

Популярно: Английский язык