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Rewrite the sentences using must/might/may/ could or can’t. do not change the meaning of the original sentences. 0. i’m sure she’s taller than mark. _she must be taller than mark._ 1. i think the concert is on friday, but i’m not sure. 2. i’m sure they won’t win – the other team is better. 3. i think she is in the same dance group as my sister, but i’m not sure. 4. i know it isn’t our new teacher. she has got long hair. 5. i’m sure you’re very disappointed with your exam score.

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4,7(40 оценок)

1. i think the concert mау be on friday. 2. they must win - the other team is better 3. i think she may be in the same dance group as my sister 4. i know it may not be our new teacher. she has got long hair 5. you must be very disappointed with your exam score. по идее may/might взаимозаменяемы.

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