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Написать письмо ? буду ) we are a big family of six. we spend most weekends together traveling in the country, walking in the park, going to the local dance club. but there are so few places where you can have a good time together with a family. which why of spending time do you prefer? do you like going to the cinema? do you spend time with your family?

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Iprefer spending time somewhere outdoors, for example, go hiking or just walking in the forest, also i like to spend time on the rivers or lakes and take part in different water activities. yes, i really enjoy going to the cinema, there are so many different kinds of movies you can watch. i spend time with my family almost every weekend, i really like going out with them somewhere, we often go to the restaurants, cafes or just walk around the town.

1. water is certain to be a good conductor of electricity. 2. the fire was reported to be extinguished by co2 fire extinguishers. 3. a combustion leading to flame propagation is known to be a chain reaction. 4. water is considered to be the most common extinguishing medium. 5. modern dry powders are said to be as complex as vaporising liquids. 1. вода несомненно является хорошим проводником электричества.2. как сообщается, был потушен углекислотными огнетушителями.3. сгорание, ведущее к распространению пламени, известно как цепная реакция.4. вода считается наиболее распространенным средством тушение огня.5. современные сухие порошки считаются такими же сложными, как испаряющиеся жидкости.

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